About the Organization
Nature Trail Society (NTS) is a not-for-profit and registered charity based in Victoria, southern Vancouver Island, BC.
NTS currently consists of an Executive Director (1), Board of Directors (13), members (~50), and volunteers.
Past work has been focused on creating effective trail systems to accommodate all users: hikers, trail runners, mountain bikers, dog walkers, horseback riders, commuting cyclists, and families. NTS has experience working with landowners, municipalities, Parks & Recreation departments, the CRD, and industry partners to secure access and authorization.
We advocate for an interconnected nature trail network across the Greater Victoria Region that connects existing trails and different greenspaces. If the various existing nature trails were to be coordinated and connected, this could be a huge opportunity to create a world-class network of trails suitable for hiking and mountain biking.
Currently, we are in the initial phase of consultation and engagement with various stakeholders associated with the proposed Coastal Connector Trail.
Connecting these trails has been likened to building an “arena” for sporting events such as Canada Cup Mountain Bike Races, XC trail running races, the multi-stage BC Bike Race, and Cross on the Rock Cyclocross. These events bring in hundreds of participants as well as their spectating families for multi-day stays and the larger more international events bring international exposure to our destination.
The Nature Trails Society works to help facilitate the development of such a trail network for a range of potential users (hikers, trail runners, mountain bikers, dog walkers, horseback riders, commuting cyclists, and families). We look forward to collaborating with stakeholders such as landowners, First Nations, municipalities, Parks & Recreation departments, the CRD, and other industry partners to secure access and authorization to specific cross-regional trail corridors and connections.

Our goals revolve around:
- Building and maintaining nature trails on southern Vancouver Island.
- Promoting safe, sustainable trail building design and techniques through education.
- Encouraging the use of existing parks and trails, while respecting the natural environment, cultural heritage, and diversity.
- A collaborative effort between stakeholders to develop, maintain, and advocate for shared-use nature trails and trail networks in southern Vancouver Island.
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A world-renowned network of multi-use trails with abundant access, that inspires people to engage with the natural world and respect the environment.
Champion, build, and connect safe, enjoyable, and sustainable nature trails, by collaborating and working closely with diverse partners.